E-Farming Review (Igor Kheifets)

igor.watch efarming

Igor Kheifets, founder of List Building Lifestyle, calls e-farming "the most exciting opportunity of the decade." But what exactly is it? And how do you get your piece of the pie before everyone else does? I'll let Igor elaborate. He claims that "e-farming saved my life." "Thanks to a chance encounter with this incredible opportunity, I was able to fire my boss and begin earning $100 per day online with no prior experience." Continue reading for my e-farming review.

"I was then able to scale my passive income to 300, 500, and even 1,000 dollars per day," Igor continues. "And I did it from the comfort of my own home, on my own time." I'm no longer concerned with day-to-day living expenses or being able to afford 'little extras,' such as a nanny to help around the house or a five-figure home renovation project. I am free to work as much or as little as I want. All thanks to having multiple income streams from e-farming."

Igor is no longer kissing up to some jerk of a boss. There will be no begging months in advance for a day off. In fact, Igor travels with his wife and daughter whenever he wants, and often on the spur of the moment. So why not? He can e-farm from any location with WiFi. He'll be fine as long as he has his laptop. A far cry from the dangerous chemical plant where he used to toil for barely more than minimum wage. Isn't that good for Igor? We still don't understand what he means by "e-farming."

Apparently, he came up with the idea after seeing self-help gurus like Tony Robbins, Tim Ferriss, Joe Vitale, and many others do it on the internet. Igor sought out some lesser-known e-farmers who were still making good money (six or seven figures per year) and asked them to mentor him. Igor received his first e-farming check in the mail a few weeks later. He kept rinsing and repeating, and the checks grew in number. It worked despite Igor's lack of skills and experience, as well as his limited financial resources.


You know how brands pay celebrities to promote their products? Those same companies are investing even more in e-farmers like Igor. Which is ironic given that Igor has virtually no social media presence and it only takes him about ten minutes of "work" to pull off. According to Forbes, for every dollar paid to an e-farmer, these businesses receive approximately $42. "E-farming is the process of creating a database of people who request to be kept informed, via email, about products and services that may be of interest to them," Igor finally explains.

"It's the inverse of spam," Igor says, "because the email addresses are obtained with permission." In other words, these people want to hear from you via email. It's no surprise that people like Barack Obama, Oprah, and Tony Robbins are involved in e-farming. They do it because it is extremely profitable. But you don't have to be famous to start earning passive income from e-farming. There is a simple three-step system that anyone can use to start making money with e-farming in the next thirty days."

Step one is to use solo ads to quickly build your email list. This is where you pay someone with a large email list to send an email from you to their subscribers. You give them a reason to join your list in that email. Step two is to sign up for affiliate programs, collect your affiliate links, and begin incorporating them into your email drip campaign. Step three is to fire. Allow your autoresponders to do the heavy lifting so you don't have to. Hopefully, commissions will start coming in. Igor's E-Farming Challenge will set you back $200. Meh.