Is Igor Kheifet's 301K Challenge Course Any Good?

Welcome to my review of the 301K Challenge. Who exactly is Igor Kheifet? What is the topic of his class? How does it function? Is it possible to make money with Igor's course? Is the 301 K Challenge a scam or legitimate?

There are a lot of questions that need to be answered.

And, since you've arrived at my website, I'd like to commend you on conducting your own research first.

I discovered the 301K Challenge while conducting research online. I was reading about this program on the internet and decided to learn more about it.

The 301K Challenge by Igor Kheifet is an affiliate marketing training program that will help you build your first affiliate campaign and earn your first commission in just 30 days!

Is it, however, a scam or genuine? Continue reading to find out more...

Let me introduce myself briefly before you begin.

Click here! My name is Ivan, and I'm a successful online marketer who went from working in a restaurant to earning a full-time income online.

In addition, I tested 600+ courses, scams, and various schemes to find the best way to make money online.

In other words, I'm passionate about making money online and assisting you in doing so legally!

Let's get into this review and see if the 301K Challenge is a scam or not, how it works, what you get, how much you have to pay, and much more!

Contents of the 301K Challenge

301K Challenge Review 

Overview of the 301K Challenge

  • Type: Affiliate Marketing
  • Product Price: $197
  • Owner: Igor Kheifet
  • Money-Back Guarantee: 30-days
  • Recommended?: Yes

Overview: The 301K Challenge is an affiliate marketing training system. It entails creating affiliate campaigns to promote other people's products in exchange for commissions.

Igor's course and business model are both legitimate. The course consists of 30 video lessons that, if followed to the letter and consistently, can help you make money online.

However, it is extremely unlikely that newbies (or anyone else) will make money in the first 30 days.

The 30-day challenge is designed to help you get started quickly. However, you will have to rinse and repeat the information for months and months before you see any real results!

The 301K Challenge is legitimate, comes with step-by-step training and a money-back guarantee, and the creator is a genuine online marketer. It reminds me of the movie Invincible Marketer.

However, it is expensive, promises quick results, and does not include tools or a community.

I recommend the 301K challenge because it is legitimate. There are no indications of a scam.

But first, let's take a closer look at the 301K Challenge review to see if this product is right for you.




What Exactly Is the 301K Challenge?

Igor Kheifet created the 301K Challenge affiliate marketing course. He shows you how to launch your first affiliate campaign and earn your first commission within 30 days.

The course is presented in a step-by-step format and consists of 30 lessons in total, in which Igor demonstrates how to start your own affiliate marketing business.

Some of the things you can learn from this course are as follows:

  • What affiliate offers should be promoted?
  • Which traffic source should be used?
  • How to Create Landing Pages
  • How to Begin Profitably
  • How to Promote Several Offers
  • How to Avoid Guesswork
  • How to Monitor Campaigns
  • What affiliate networks to use, how to get paid, and other information

Because there are so many scams out there, it was natural for me to have some reservations about Igor's course. So, is the 301K Challenge a forgery?

Well, I didn't like the "start making commissions in 4 weeks" promises because they are unrealistic in my experience with affiliate marketing.

Making money through Igor Kheift's method and affiliate marketing takes time. Learning the ins and outs, creating your own campaigns, driving traffic to your sites, and making money all take time.

In my experience, it takes about 3-6 months for a typical newbie to master the fundamentals and begin to see results.

Don't misunderstand me. I'm not saying you won't succeed faster if you follow Igor's advice. I'm simply stating that expecting immediate results is unrealistic.

And you don't want to be unreal right away, do you?

However, despite the unrealistic promises, it is a legitimate course - more on this in my 301K Challenge review.

What exactly is Igor Kheifet?

The 301K Challenge was created by Igor Kheifet. He is an online millionaire, author, and speaker who is well-known in the online marketing community.

He has so far published several courses in which he assists new and intermediate marketers in making money online.


Igor also has a successful podcast show called List Building Lifestyle Show, where you can listen to and learn from his podcasts for free.

He also has a not-so-popular YouTube channel.

The unfortunate reality is that there are a plethora of phony "gurus" online who pose as your "friends."

However, you should not be concerned about Igor and his intentions because they are sincere.

Igor is a highly successful online marketer who has worked with people like John Crestani, Dean Holland, Michael Cheney, and dozens of other vendors in the industry.

Igor is on a mission to help 1,000 beginners build their own large responsive email list by sharing his best secrets via his 301K Challenge coaching program.

So, how exactly does it work? Let us investigate!

What Is the 301K Challenge?

I'll walk you through Igor's course and explain how it works in this section of the 301K Challenge review. The entire course is focused on affiliate marketing.

Igor created this course to help you get started online quickly – in as little as 30 days.

The main goal of this course is to show you how to find your niche, create your own affiliate campaigns, drive traffic to your offers, send emails, and profit from successful campaigns.

There are 30 video lessons in the 301K Challenge course. Here's how it works in detail:

  • Affiliate Marketing Basics
  • Getting A Domain
  • Professional Email Setup
  • Finding High-Converting Offers
  • Finding High-Converting Offers
  • Finding High-Converting Offers
  • Click Tracking
  • Email Autoresponder
  • Beginner-Friendly Landing Page
  • Content For Your Presell Page
  • How To Create Your Presell Page
  • How To Make More Sales
  • How To Setup Your Lead Capture Page
  • Automated Follow-Up
  • Emails For Your 4-Part Sequence
  • Emails For Your 4-Part Sequence
  • Uploading Emails
  • Uploading Emails
  • How To Drive Traffic
  • #1 Traffic Source For Beginners
  • Smart Tracking Link
  • Recommended Ad Spots
  • Recommended Ad Spots
  • How To Research Ad Sources
  • Analyzing Results
  • Analyzing Results
  • Segmenting Buyers
  • Analyzing Your Email List
  • Your Building Your Email List. Now What?
  • Running The Next Promotion
  • Running The Next Promotion
  • Running The Next Promotion

Overall, it is a fairly thorough course. It teaches a practical method based on Igor's affiliate marketing experience and success.

At this point in the 301K Challenge review, it is safe to conclude that the course is legitimate.

Is it possible to make money with the 301K Challenge?

Yes, according to what I've seen, you can make money with the 301K Challenge and affiliate marketing. The time frame is determined by the amount of work and effort you put in, and it varies from person to person.

I just wanted to mention that during my research, I came across many success stories from genuine people who took this course. I'll show you them later in this 301K Challenge review.

This simply demonstrates that affiliate marketing works and that this course is effective.

There is no doubt that if you put in the effort, you will begin to see results. However, I cannot predict how much money you will make because it all depends on how effective your affiliate campaign is.

Who Is the 301K Challenge Intended For?

Affiliate marketing is a business model that anyone can learn and use to their advantage. To get started with affiliate marketing and the 301K Challenge, you don't need any special skills.

Igor's course, in my opinion, is for:

  • Affiliate marketers
  • Digital marketers
  • Online Business Owners
  • eCommerce Business Owners
  • Beginners and Advanced marketers

What is the cost of the 301K Challenge?

To be honest, I was expecting a higher price. The 301K Challenge costs $197. This course was originally worth $8,000, according to Igor!

301K Challenge Review

The good news is that Igor's course is free for 30 days.

If you change your mind during this time, simply contact Igor and his team and request a refund. There are no questions!

Refunds are available at or by calling +1 (226) 778-4291.

What Do You Get When You Take the 301K Challenge?

If you participate in the 301K Challenge, you will receive a lot of great content in exchange for your money. Simply looking at the content and all of the features and bonuses demonstrates that this is not a scam.

30-Day Training Program

301K Challenge Review

  • Day 1: Affiliate Marketing Basics
  • Day 2: Getting A Domain
  • Day 3: Professional Email Setup
  • Day 4: Finding High-Converting Offers
  • Day 5: Finding High-Converting Offers
  • Day 6: Finding High-Converting Offers
  • Day 7: Click Tracking
  • Day 8: Email Autoresponder
  • Day 9: Beginner-Friendly Landing Page
  • Day 10: Content For Your Presell Page
  • Day 11: How To Create Your Presell Page
  • Day 12: How To Make More Sales
  • Day 13: How To Setup Your Lead Capture Page
  • Day 14: Automated Follow-Up
  • Day 15: Emails For Your 4-Part Sequence
  • Day 16: Emails For Your 4-Part Sequence
  • Day 17: Uploading Emails
  • Day 18: Uploading Emails
  • Day 19: How To Drive Traffic
  • Day 20: #1 Traffic Source For Beginners
  • Day 21: Smart Tracking Link
  • Day 22: Recommended Ad Spots
  • Day 23: Recommended Ad Spots
  • Day 24: How To Research Ad Sources
  • Day 25: Analyzing Results
  • Day 26: Analyzing Results
  • Day 27: Segmenting Buyers
  • Day 28: Analyzing Your Email List
  • Day 29: Your Building Your Email List. Now What?
  • Day 30: Running The Next Promotion
  • Day 31: Running The Next Promotion
  • Day 32: Running The Next Promotion
  • Day 33: What To Do Next

Bonuses for the 301K Challenge

301K Challenge Review

  • Best Offers Rolodex
  • Email Autoresponder Fast-Start
  • Fill-In-The-Blanks Email Templates
  • Passive Income Machine Training
  • 1-Click Install Done-For-You Affiliate Funnel
  • Traffic Suppliers Rolodex

Lifetime Updates for the 301K Challenge

All course participants will receive free lifetime updates. You will receive automatic updates whenever Igor changes something or decides to add more content to his course.

This is fantastic because it demonstrates that Igor is constantly working to improve his training.

Same-Day Email Assistance

You will also have access to quick email support as a member of the 301K Challenge.

Is the 301K Challenge Scam?

No, the 301K Challenge is not a hoax. The training shows you how to create your own affiliate marketing campaigns, drive traffic, send emails, and earn affiliate commissions.

However, Igor, in my opinion, promises too quick results to beginners, which is a minor issue with this course because affiliate marketing is not a get-rich-quick scheme.

If you are a beginner, it may take you longer than 30 days to see results.

Most newbies who enroll in courses like the 301K Challenge never make any money. Only about 2% of students have what it takes to apply the instructions and complete the course.

So, if you're new and decide to join, don't get your hopes up.

I'm not trying to pop your bubble. I simply want you to have reasonable expectations. That's it.

On the other hand, if you're a beginner, intermediate, or advanced marketer, you could do it in just 30 days. However, this is neither a promise nor a guarantee.

Keep in mind that this business will require a significant amount of time and money.

Overall, the 301K Challenge is a legitimate affiliate training program.

Igor, on the other hand, provides reliable information. The training is step-by-step and walks you through the entire process of creating a successful affiliate campaign.

In addition, you will receive valuable bonuses, email support, and 30 days to test it risk-free.



Is the 301K Challenge Recommendable?

I've reviewed over 400 online money-making courses, systems, and schemes. If you've read my reviews, you'll know that I only recommend courses in which I believe.

That being said, the 301K Challenge is legitimate, and I recommend it.

What Do Other 301K Challenge Participants Think?

I found a lot of positive 301K Challenge reviews online and almost no negative ones. This demonstrates that Igor Kheifet is doing an excellent job with his training.

Some of the positive user feedback is as follows:

301K Challenge Reviews

301K Challenge Reviews

301K Challenge Reviews

What I Enjoy About the 301K Challenge

Here's a quick rundown of what I like about this course:

  • Affiliate training in stages
  • Beneficial features and bonuses
  • Igor is a genuine affiliate marketer.
  • The 301K Challenge is reasonably priced.
  • Suitable for both beginners and advanced players
  • Positive feedback from users of the 301K Challenge 30-day money-back guarantee

Affiliate training in stages

The 301K Challenge has the advantage of providing you with an in-depth and step-by-step course. It's not the best course I've ever seen, but it's adequate.

Beneficial features and bonuses

In addition to the training course, Igor Kheifet includes numerous features and bonuses within this course.

Igor is a genuine affiliate marketer.

One of my favorite aspects of my 301K Challenge review is the owner. Igor Kheifet is a genuine affiliate marketer who knows his stuff.

The 301K Challenge is reasonably priced.

In comparison to other courses in the same industry, the course itself is reasonably priced. $197 is not a lot of money to pay for some useful information.

Suitable for both beginners and advanced players

This course is appropriate for beginners because Igor teaches all of the fundamentals.

Positive feedback from 301K Challenge participants

I enjoy reading reviews and testimonials from 301K Challenge participants. There have been many positive experiences, indicating that people are pleased with this course and are seeing results.

Money-back guarantee for 30 days

The refund policy is the last item on my list of advantages. You can get your money back within 30 days of making your purchase. Furthermore, the refund is unconditional.

What I Dislike About the 301K Challenge

Here are some of my concerns about Igor's course:

  • There are no websites, tools, etc (you need to outsource these)
  • The 301K Challenge has additional costs.
  • There is no community or support system.
  • Igor Kheifet guarantees quick results.

There are no websites, tools, etc (you need to outsource these)

You will discover that there is more money to be spent if you begin learning from the 301K Challenge. You will, for example, need to outsource websites, hosting, domains, keyword tools, and so on.

The 301K Challenge has additional costs.

These tools and resources mentioned above will quickly add up to a few hundred dollars, causing the final price to be higher than advertised.

This fact, in my opinion, should have been advertised alongside other aspects of this course.

There is no community or support system.

The support email team is available to all 301K Challenge participants. However, this is not as good as it appears.

Every course like this requires a community where students can network, chat, ask questions, and even contact Igor Kheifet for assistance if necessary.

Igor Kheifet guarantees quick results.

The final thing I dislike about this course is some of the promotional material in which Igor promises quick results with this course.

Don't misunderstand me. This course is likely to yield results. However, expecting quick and easy profits is deceptive and unrealistic.

Conclusion to the 301K Challenge

301K Challenge is a legitimate and practical online training program that teaches users how to build affiliate campaigns and earn money online - something we're all looking for, right?

Furthermore, Igor Kheifet is a genuine online marketer who has made a lot of money online and appears to be very knowledgeable about this industry.

The only issue with Igor's course, as I mentioned earlier in my review, is that he promises quick results.

Don't misunderstand me. With this course, I believe some people will be able to make money in 30 days or less. However, most newcomers will not make any money during their first month.

That is simply a true statistic, and statistics do not lie.

As I previously stated, you must diligently follow the instructions and invest a significant amount of time, effort, and money into your campaigns. Above all, you must be patient and persistent!

Thank you for taking the time to read my 301K Challenge review! What do you think of this course?

Please leave your comments in the section below this review.