Scam or Legit? Project Serenity Review The Truth Is Out!

Is Project Serenity a rip-off? You may have heard of Project Serenity if you want to make money with cryptocurrency. However, because there are so many scams on the internet, you may wonder if you can trust it.

What worries you about the future of the cryptocurrency market? Can't decide whether to buy or sell? Project Serenity has arrived.

Because I am passionate about assisting people in discovering the best money-making opportunities available online, I have reviewed hundreds of similar online programs like Project Serenity over the years.

I've spent the last week conducting extensive research on Project Serenity so that I can tell you everything you need to know about it.

Project Serenity Review Key Takeaways

Product Name:Project Serenity
WebsiteClick here
Special OfferGet Instant Access Here
Overall Rank4.7/5
Project Serenity Scam or Legit:It’s not a scam
Who is it For:Newbie to Expert in cryptocurrency

This review will cover the following topics to help you decide whether Project Serenity is a scam:

What exactly is Project Serenity?

Marco Wutzer is the editor-in-chief of Project Serenity, a cryptocurrency investment newsletter. His primary focus is on identifying future blockchain winners. Essentially, Marco's goal is to shed light on projects that will power the next generation of digital world economy while also assisting members in becoming financially independent.

Marco has launched a second crypto hedge fund under Project Serenity after launching his ever-successful Second Renaissance Investments crypto hedge funds.

Second Renaissance Investments alone nearly tripled the performance of the average crypto fund in 2021. It is easy to see why Project Serenity is expected to succeed.

Project Serenity's Drawbacks and Complaints

1. A bit Expensive

Serenity Project is not cheap. Enrolling in this service requires a financial investment.

It all depends on how much you are willing to give up for financial independence. To make money, you must first invest in yourself.

For my part, I am willing to spend hundreds of dollars to expand my knowledge. So, how about you?

2. Project Serenity will not make you rich overnight.

Project Serenity is not intended to be a quick way to become wealthy. It is a program that will teach you everything you need to know about Crypto trading, but it is not a get-rich-quick scheme.

You should not expect to make a lot of money right away if you use Project Serenity. Because, in the end, you must conduct extensive research and make the final investment decisions on your own.

3. Project Serenity does not provide a free trial period.

There is no free trial period for Project Serenity. Many programs provide a 14-day free trial, but Project Serenity does not.

I'm a little disappointed by this. Project Serenity appears to be unsure of its product.

You do, however, receive a success guarantee. So, if you are unable to make money after joining the program, you can contact the expert team for assistance and to adjust your investment strategy.

What Do You Get When You Join Project Serenity?

Subscribers to Marco's latest crypto investment newsletters will have access to a wealth of information. Specifically:

  • Receive new investment recommendations and real-time portfolio updates straight to your inbox.
  • In video form, the blockchain ecosystem and its implementation from around the world.
  • Access to disruptive investment opportunities deemed to be "true gems," with the potential to generate hundreds of times the initial investment.

  • Project Serenity Pricing

Marco's projects typically cost between $1,800 and $3,500 per year, but because this service is new, it is available at a discounted rate of $997 per year.

Project Serenity also comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee. For more information on the refund policy, please contact Marco directly at

In addition, he reserves the right to raise the price at any time or to discontinue this offer to newcomers. As a result, interested parties should take action as soon as possible.

Who is the brains behind Project Serenity?

As previously stated, Marco Wutzer is a speculator and an early investor, and these titles suit him well. Marco was born in Germany but left when he was 24 to pursue opportunities in South America. He eventually became one of the few people who were instrumental in establishing cryptocurrencies as an asset class from their inception.

Despite having over 12 years of experience in the cryptocurrency market, the expert made his first six-figure profit in 2013.

However, that was only the beginning of his success. Since then, he has made several highly profitable investments, maintained an unrivaled track record, and assisted many followers in becoming millionaires.

He now splits his time between the mountains of Medelln, Colombia, and the beaches of southern Brazil. Swen Lorenz, a cryptocurrency expert, praised the space during an interview. In his own words:

"This global, decentralized network eliminates [middlemen] such as banks, lawyers, notaries, and even governments." Blockchain technology creates a trustless environment with guaranteed and immutable transactions. Nobody has the authority to censor you or interfere with your business. Many aspects of our lives will be improved by the Blockchain Ecosystem. Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin are only the first and most visible applications of this new technology."

His strongest recommendation is that everyone learn about cryptocurrencies because they "will become more and more important over time," not to mention that they can be used to position oneself as an entrepreneur or sovereign.

Final Verdict on Project Serenity

Finally, Project Serenity is a cryptocurrency and blockchain technology investment newsletter. Marco began writing such services in 2018, but his experience spans decades, which is critical to his success. Throughout the year, Marco intends to introduce people to fundamental and life-changing projects that will disrupt how society operates.

Project Serenity comes immediately after Second Renaissance, with which he achieved tremendous success. This is your best opportunity yet to pick the brains of the developers behind a number of online cryptocurrency projects.

This service is appealing because it can provide real-time information. Unlike most investment newsletters, Marco does not require you to wait a full month before receiving the next issue. The $997 price tag is a steal, especially given the editor's credentials.

Here's a special offer and instant access.

Alternative to Project Serenity: Earn Passive Income Online

Although financial trading is one of the most popular ways to increase your wealth and generate passive income, cryptocurrency pricing is volatile.

Even if you have Project Serenity's tips or insights, it does not guarantee you will win in the crypto market.

Only God knows when the cryptocurrency price will rise or fall. You may make some money in a few attempts but lose it all in the subsequent attempts.

So, if you really want to create a consistent and secure stream of passive income, I recommend starting an affiliate marketing business online instead.

Affiliate marketing is ideal for those who are new to the online business world.

In fact, of all the online business models I've tried, affiliate marketing has proven to be the simplest and most rewarding.

In affiliate marketing, you can run your business almost for free and earn a consistent and sustainable passive income to pay your bills. You don't need any start-up money, and you can even do it as a side hustle.

And if you really want to learn affiliate marketing and build a business from the ground up, I'd recommend starting with the most reputable affiliate marketing platform: Wealthy Affiliate.

Wealthy Affiliate is an all-in-one platform for starting your own affiliate marketing business. It provides you with a free account (including a free website) as well as comprehensive SEO (free traffic methods) training, allowing you to get started with affiliate marketing right away without spending a dime.

However, how much money can you make with Wealthy Affiliate?

Wealthy Affiliate has been around for 15 years, and there have been many success stories over the last decade.

Here are some more inspiring success stories from Wealthy Affiliate members to give you some ideas.

Where Can I Sign Up for Wealthy Affiliate?

Wealthy Affiliate has a straightforward pricing structure. It offers both free and premium membership.

If you want to get a feel for Wealthy Affiliate, sign up for a free starter membership here (no credit card required). You have the option of becoming a free member with no time limit.

Furthermore, as a starter member, you will have immediate access to the community, live chat, over 500 training modules, 2 classrooms, networking, commenting, 1 free website, and access to the keyword tool.

You can enjoy all of these benefits for free.

So I strongly advise you to create a free account and check it out for yourself.

Recommendation: The Best Alternative